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When someone is missing a tooth or two, they may find themselves shying away from smiling and even avoiding some of their favorite foods. But the good news is that dental implants from your dentist in Crossville can be a game-changer. These surgical implants are permanent and don’t require any soaking or any additional care… Read More

It’s easy to not think about getting older when we’re young, but as each birthday passes, we start to become more and more aware of how the years have affected our health, our appearance, and many other things. However, it’s not all bad news. In fact, your dentist in Crossville has some new information about how… Read More

You wake up at least a few times a week with soreness in your jaw and a dull ache in your head. Are you dehydrated? Did you bite down too hard on something? Did you sleep in an awkward position? While all of these things are entirely possible, did you know that grinding or clenching… Read More

Summer in Crossville is one of the most exciting times to call this area home, with so many places to visit and things to do. When summer rolls around, it can be super easy to get out of our regular routines, including how you take care of your teeth at home. As you enjoy camping,… Read More

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of just-brushed teeth, and your dentist in Crossville recommends that all patients brush their teeth two times a day and floss once a day. But where does mouthwash play a role in your oral hygiene routine? Should you use mouthwash every day? Different Types of Mouthwash Mouthwash can be a… Read More

Cutting back on sugar can be difficult because it’s in so many foods and drinks, and sometimes in surprising amounts. But reducing your sugar intake or eliminating it from your diet altogether can certainly help your overall health as well as your dental health. After all, there’s a reason your dentist in Crossville isn’t a huge… Read More

Bad breath is, well, quite frankly, bad. This condition isn’t only embarrassing, it can also be a sign of other problems happening in your mouth or throughout your body. If you have bad breath that doesn’t seem to go away no matter how much you brush your teeth, how much minty gum you chew, or… Read More

A common rule in the dental world is that all patients should see the dentist at least every six months for regular checkups and cleanings. However, according to researchers at the CDC, nearly 40% of American adults haven’t been to the dentist in the past year. The truth is, preventive dental appointments can keep problems… Read More

Have you ever looked closely at your teeth and noticed small, white spots? You’re not alone. Many people have this type of tooth discoloration, and it typically doesn’t cause any problems. But if you’re unhappy with these white spots, you may be wondering what caused them in the first place and if there are ways… Read More

Heart disease is a topic of concern for both your doctor and your dentist in Crossville. After all, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), heart disease is the leading cause of death all around the globe. But what exactly does your oral health have to do with your heart health, and what does dental… Read More