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As we age, it’s important to take special care of our teeth and gums in order to maintain good oral health into old age. As we get older, there are some factors that come into play that make maintaining strong, healthy teeth more difficult than it was when we were younger. Here are 4 tips… Read More

Sugar is a preservative, so it can be found in many of our favorite foods and drinks. The problem with this is that sugar can cause tooth decay when we consume it over a long period of time. In fact, according to the ADA (American Dental Association), one-quarter of adults have some form of tooth… Read More

In recent years, there’s been an environmental fight against the use of non-reusable plastic straws. These one-time use straws make up about 7% of plastic product waste in the U.S., so there is a need to talk about how much we actually need straws. Now, while your dentist in Crossville is in support of making… Read More

Your dentist in Crossville uses dental fillings to repair an area of tooth decay and keep any damage from progressing. This type of restoration is incredibly common, so common that over 90% of American adults have had a cavity, and we’re willing to bet that most of them were repaired with a filling. However, even… Read More

Even though your Crossville dentist’s main concern is helping you maintain a healthy, beautiful smile, there are several things that can contribute to oral health that we don’t often think about. One of these things is snoring. Believe it or not, snoring can affect more than just your bed partner. In fact, snoring can often… Read More

We’ve all heard of the book, “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus,” which explains some of the main psychological differences between these two genders. But did you know that these differences extend into dentistry? It’s true! Just ask your dentist in Crossville. Since men are more likely to avoid regular dental care, they… Read More

Flossing does more than clean the surfaces of your teeth. It cleans those important areas between each tooth and removes bacteria from under the gums. Yet, it’s incredibly common for your dentist in Crossville to see patients every day who skip this crucial part of oral hygiene. In fact, more than 30% of Americans don’t… Read More

Did you know that besides Mother’s Day there’s an entire week dedicated to women each and every May? Known as National Women’s Health Week, this U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health sponsored week is celebrated from Mother’s Day through Saturday and strives to encourage girls and women to make their… Read More

This past year has taught us a lot, including just how important it is to wash our hands, how to juggle toddlers and Zoom meetings, and how to be comfortable in our own homes day after day. When it comes to your dentist in Crossville, we also learned a lot during this pandemic. Granted, we… Read More

Every April is recognized as Oral Cancer Awareness Month. Oral cancer is one type of cancer that can be difficult to diagnose, especially in the first stages. However, oral cancer can often be treated successfully if it’s caught early. This is why your dentist in Crossville puts so much emphasis on making sure our patients… Read More